Casey Downie-Campbell Casey Downie-Campbell

What is a Sankalpa and how to create your own

Sankalpa, a Sanskrit term translating to "intention" or "resolve", holds a deep significance in yogic and Vedic traditions. It is a powerful practice of setting a positive and affirmative intention aligned with one's true purpose to manifest change and transformation. Sounds wonderful right? You might be asking yourself β€˜how can I create a sankalpa?’ & I am here to show you how!

Understanding what a Sankalpa is, and how to create one

Sankalpa, a Sanskrit term translating to "intention" or "resolve", holds a deep significance in yogic and Vedic traditions. It is a powerful practice of setting a positive and affirmative intention aligned with one's true purpose to manifest change and transformation. Sounds wonderful right? You might be asking yourself β€˜how can I create a sankalpa?’ & I am here to show you how!

When creating a Sankalpa, it is crucial to adhere to some essential guidelines.
Creating a Sankalpa
1. It is a long term goal: Instead of wishing for a nice new pair of designer shoes for this weekend its something wholesome & that you work towards over a longer term.

2. Concise and Positive Language: Craft your Sankalpa using clear and positive language. Avoid ambiguity and embrace unwavering confidence in your desire. For instance, "I am joyful and at peace" holds more power than "I want to be happier."
3. Present Tense: Frame your Sankalpa in the present tense to reinforce the idea that your intention is already unfolding in the present moment, such as "I am living a healthy and balanced life."
4. Confidence in Purpose: Eliminate any uncertainties and be assured of your Sankalpa's purpose. This unwavering conviction forms an integral part of the Sankalpa's potency.
Things to Remember

  • Flexibility in Change: A Sankalpa is not set in stone. You are free to modify and refine your Sankalpa at any time as your needs and aspirations evolve. Take some time to create your sankalpa, perhaps writing down a few variations & refining it using the guidelines above

  • Word Power: Remember that the words you choose for your Sankalpa hold potent energy. Select them wisely, for they have the potential to shape your reality.

  • Pledge: This is a vow to yourself what is your deepest hope, dream & desire

  • Its personal: Don’t try and copy anyone else’s sankalpa as it won’t be authentic to you

  • It’s private: How you use it is up to you. You can keep it private if it contains things you wouldn’t normally say to others. Or you can shout it from the rooftops & write it all over your journal & post it notes around the house. Choose what is best for you

Examples of a sankalpa

  • I trust in my ability to be a present, patient & loving parent to my children

  • I see blessings everyday

  • I am safe, healthy & fulfilled

  • My body is strong & capable to climb a mountain

Comparison between a New Years resolution & Sankalpa

New Years Resolution = I am going to give up booze

Sankalpa = I nourish my body with the foods & drinks that sustain me & help me to thrive

How do i know if i have created a good sankalpa?

Each person is individual as are their wants, needs & desires. When you create your sankalpa it should be easy to say and feel right both to your mind & body. When you say & think it it should cause you to feel the joy & gratitude as if the thing is already happening within your life. Sometimes at first you may need to intentionally evoke the feelings within you but with time the words & feelings will become so well associated that they will easily flow together.

Practising Your Sankalpa

There is no limit as to when and how often you should say your sankalpa. If you practise yoga nidra or meditation you can naturally include it in those practises. Aim to say it at least 3 times per day. Here are some examples of times you can say your sankalpa.

When you are sad - Use it to ground you in the moment & remind you you are on the right path.
Before starting your day - Use it to keep you on track and to remind you that every action you take is a step closer to your goal

During happy moments - Such as during meals, gatherings with loved ones, or moments of intimacy, to reinforce your Sankalpa and align your mind with your purpose.

Can I Go Wrong?

While there is no inherently wrong way to create a Sankalpa, it is vital to approach it with sincerity and clarity. Trust in your intention and stay open to refining it for your higher good.
Embracing the practice of Sankalpa involves a profound understanding of the influence of language, the power of intention, and the ability to integrate it seamlessly into various aspects of your life.

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Family life, Energy Work, Sound Healing, Wellness Casey Downie-Campbell Family life, Energy Work, Sound Healing, Wellness Casey Downie-Campbell

Clearing Out Old Energies: The Benefits of a home energy clearing for New Homeowners

Buying a new home is undoubtedly an exciting milestone in anyone's life, but it can also bring about a fair share of stress and anxiety. Just as you would meticulously clean and refresh the physical aspects of your new home, it is equally important to consider the energetic state of your space.

Transform Your New Home with Casey Downie-Campbell's Healing Services

Buying a new home is undoubtedly an exciting milestone in anyone's life, but it can also bring about a fair share of stress and anxiety. Just as you would meticulously clean and refresh the physical aspects of your new home, it is equally important to consider the energetic state of your space. This is where Casey Downie-Campbell, a renowned Reiki Master, Sound & Intuitive Healer, can offer her expert assistance.

Casey understands that the energy within a home plays a significant role in shaping our experiences and overall well-being. When we step into a new space, we can unknowingly absorb any lingering energies from previous owners or the stress associated with the sale. By taking the time to cleanse, refresh, and set the energy of your home, you create a harmonious environment that aligns with your intentions.

Drawing on her extensive knowledge and experience, Casey will come to your home, providing a thorough scan to identify any heavy, stagnant, or negative energies. Using a combination of powerful techniques such as Reiki, sound healing, and ceremonial smudging, she will cleanse the space, effortlessly clearing away any unwanted energies that may be present. These methods effectively make space for your own energy intentions, allowing you to cultivate positivity and progress going forward.

As the house becomes cleared, set, and blessed through Casey's healing services, you will undoubtedly notice a palpable shift in the energy surrounding you. A newfound lightness will infuse the environment, creating a sanctuary of positive energy where you can fully embrace the next chapter of your life.

Embark on this transformative journey with Casey and experience the power of energetic cleansing and intention setting for your new home. Let the energetic rebirth align your space with your desires, whether it be the start of a fulfilling family life, the inclusion of beloved children and pets, or the haven you envision for your remaining years. The possibilities are endless when you foster an environment that supports your intentions and uplifts your spirit.

Make your new home truly your own, not only by decorating and furnishing it with your personal touch, but by rejuvenating the energy that fills every corner. Trust in Casey's expertise to create a space that welcomes and nurtures you, leaving you with a renewed sense of peace, harmony, and endless possibilities.

Book an appointment with Casey today and embark on a journey of energetic transformation for your new home.

Face to face appointments are in London & the surrounding areas. If you would like to work with me & you live further away we can conduct your appointment virtually.

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Energy Work Casey Downie-Campbell Energy Work Casey Downie-Campbell

Harnessing the Power of the New Moon for Growth and Manifestation

Just as the new moon provides the most fertile ground for planting seeds in the soil, it also presents an opportune moment for planting seeds within our minds.

Harnessing the Power of the New Moon for Growth, intention setting and Manifestation

In ancient times, farmers believed that the new moon 🌚, a time within the lunar cycle, held a special power. It was during this time that they chose to plant their seeds, as they believed it would yield the best returns during the harvest season. However, the power of the new moon extends beyond the realm of agriculture.

Just as the new moon provides the most fertile ground for planting seeds in the soil, it also presents an opportune moment for planting seeds within our minds. Our brains, akin to the rich soil, are most receptive and open during this phase. It is a time when our thoughts can take root and grow, leading to fruitful outcomes.

Take advantage of this auspicious time to embark on a journey of self-reflection and envision the future you desire. Allow your thoughts to wander and explore the possibilities that lie ahead. What dreams and aspirations would you like to see come into fruition? This is a sacred time for personal growth, manifestation, and transformation. Embrace the rhythm of nature and align your intentions with the inherent energy of the universe. In doing so, you will embark on a journey towards a future that blossoms with abundance, self-care, and the fulfillment of your wildest dreams.

What steps can you take now to nurture and cultivate these ideas, ensuring a bountiful harvest in approximately six months? Do you crave a greater sense of abundance, both financially and emotionally? Are you yearning to establish a more fulfilling self-care routine that nurtures your mind, body, and spirit?

New Moon Intention Setting check list

  • Check and track the moon phase - I like these downloads

  • Plan ahead & carve out time for your ceremony

  • Get everything you need ready crystals, a journal & pen, playlist, candles etc

  • Create your space where you can focus & not be disturbed

  • Embrace the energy of the new moon, as an important tool to set your intentions for the next half of the year.

  • Journal down what you would like to call in, how you feel now & how you will feel once it has manifested in your life

  • Meditate on what you want your life to look like over the coming months.

  • Allow the full moon to illuminate your path, guiding you towards your desires.

  • With clarity and intention, plant the seeds of your intentions deep within your subconscious.

  • For extra brownie bonus points - write some ideas of how you will acomplish your goals. You don’t have to know every step from A - Z but just a few micro changes can make huge changes. Want to get into shape? Perhaps you get up 15 minutes earlier every day for a home workout?

Just as farmers nurture their crops, tend to your dreams by taking consistent and purposeful actions. Water them with determination, perseverance, and self-belief.

As time progresses and the seasons change, stay attuned to the growth and progress of your aspirations. Cultivate a sense of patience and trust in the process, knowing that what you sow during the new moon will gradually manifest in your life. And when the time comes to reap the rewards, revel in the beauty of your own creation.

Are you interested in the power of the moon & energy healing?

Check out our full moon, yoga & sound healing blogs 🌝


Create your perfect new moon ceremony with these Sound Healing & Yoga Nidra downloads

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