Mother and son playing with Tibetan singing bowls in class

The Sound Healers guide to working with children

Starts September 15th 2024

Become a sound practitioner for children from utero to university!

6 week online self paced course taught by Casey Downie-Campbell founder of Sensory Land.

Certified by The Complimentary Medical Association.

If you would like to take this course please email your interest.

Course Overview

Intro 1 Meet and Greet Session, with Experiential Activation Sound Bath

Intro 2. Introduction to Child Specific Sound Healing Practices

Module 1. Sound during Pregnancy

Module 2. Sound and Babies

Module 3. Sound for Toddlers & Infants

Module 4. Sound for School-age Children

Module 5. Sound for Teenagers

Module 6. Sound for Children with Differing Needs

Everything You Need To Know To Run Interactive & Engaging Sound Baths - For Children

This easy-to-get-through, 6 week, self-paced course, teaches you how to successfully lead healing sound sessions for children from ‘Uterus to University’. I will teach you the benefits of working with sound, share best practices and current research, as well as explain why you should consider starting a business running sound healing for children - right now!

What the course includes:

An introductory Zoom call, with live Sound Bath

6 Self-paced Modules

Master Classes

Accountability Call

Student Case Studies

Guides, Checklists & Useful Resources

2 Q&A calls

Time saving Lesson Plan Templates

Lifetime access to Course Content


  • An overview of what to expect from that module

  • Key information about working with each age group

  • Examples from personal experience

  • Guidance on how to involve & engage your audience

  • Suggestions about which instruments work best to create harmonious sound journeys and why

  • Check lists for optimal set up and session success

  • Suggestions of visualisations & themes

  • Age appropriate breath work, relaxation & grounding techniques

  • Lesson planning templates

  • Action points & homework

  • Safety and Contraindications

  • Guidance on how to complete your Case studies

Your questions answered!

Putting your mind at ease

This course has been created with the facilitator & child in mind. The information provided comes from real life experience and ongoing research. It has been designed to answer the questions that facilitators like yourself are most likely to ask.

Is it safe?

How do I know I am doing it right?

Which instruments should I use?

How to keep students interested?

What considerations do I need to be aware of?

Sound Healing is a relatively young concept in the western world, however it has been used for centuries around the world for birth ceremonies, speech & language development, fostering the genius in each child & so much more.

This course compiles studies, data & real life case studies which demonstrate that sound healing for children is safe, beneficial and something we should start sharing.

What instruments do I need to do this course?

To participate in the course, you don't need an extensive array of instruments. In fact, you can create a beautiful, transformative, and healing sound bath with just a few essential tools. For instance, your voice alone—through singing, toning, or humming—can be incredibly powerful, especially when complemented by a single sound bowl or drum. If you're on a budget, it's better to invest in a smaller set of high-quality instruments rather than purchasing many cheaper ones that may lack the desired resonance and durability. Remember, quality over quantity: it's often wiser to invest in fewer, better instruments that will serve you well in the long run.

During the course, we will provide suggestions on the types of instruments that may be particularly interesting and supportive for that age group. However, these are merely recommendations, and it's important that you choose instruments that resonate with you personally. Ultimately, your connection to the instruments you select will enhance the experience, so feel free to trust your intuition and preferences when making your choices.

Do I need to be a qualified sound healer to do this course?

No, if you have not already completed a sound healing training you may still do this course. However, in order to qualify in this course you will need to complete a sound healers course with us or another training body.