Family life, Energy Work, Sound Healing, Wellness Casey Downie-Campbell Family life, Energy Work, Sound Healing, Wellness Casey Downie-Campbell

Clearing Out Old Energies: The Benefits of a home energy clearing for New Homeowners

Buying a new home is undoubtedly an exciting milestone in anyone's life, but it can also bring about a fair share of stress and anxiety. Just as you would meticulously clean and refresh the physical aspects of your new home, it is equally important to consider the energetic state of your space.

Transform Your New Home with Casey Downie-Campbell's Healing Services

Buying a new home is undoubtedly an exciting milestone in anyone's life, but it can also bring about a fair share of stress and anxiety. Just as you would meticulously clean and refresh the physical aspects of your new home, it is equally important to consider the energetic state of your space. This is where Casey Downie-Campbell, a renowned Reiki Master, Sound & Intuitive Healer, can offer her expert assistance.

Casey understands that the energy within a home plays a significant role in shaping our experiences and overall well-being. When we step into a new space, we can unknowingly absorb any lingering energies from previous owners or the stress associated with the sale. By taking the time to cleanse, refresh, and set the energy of your home, you create a harmonious environment that aligns with your intentions.

Drawing on her extensive knowledge and experience, Casey will come to your home, providing a thorough scan to identify any heavy, stagnant, or negative energies. Using a combination of powerful techniques such as Reiki, sound healing, and ceremonial smudging, she will cleanse the space, effortlessly clearing away any unwanted energies that may be present. These methods effectively make space for your own energy intentions, allowing you to cultivate positivity and progress going forward.

As the house becomes cleared, set, and blessed through Casey's healing services, you will undoubtedly notice a palpable shift in the energy surrounding you. A newfound lightness will infuse the environment, creating a sanctuary of positive energy where you can fully embrace the next chapter of your life.

Embark on this transformative journey with Casey and experience the power of energetic cleansing and intention setting for your new home. Let the energetic rebirth align your space with your desires, whether it be the start of a fulfilling family life, the inclusion of beloved children and pets, or the haven you envision for your remaining years. The possibilities are endless when you foster an environment that supports your intentions and uplifts your spirit.

Make your new home truly your own, not only by decorating and furnishing it with your personal touch, but by rejuvenating the energy that fills every corner. Trust in Casey's expertise to create a space that welcomes and nurtures you, leaving you with a renewed sense of peace, harmony, and endless possibilities.

Book an appointment with Casey today and embark on a journey of energetic transformation for your new home.

Face to face appointments are in London & the surrounding areas. If you would like to work with me & you live further away we can conduct your appointment virtually.

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Family life, Baby Massage Casey Downie-Campbell Family life, Baby Massage Casey Downie-Campbell

The 4th Trimester: Nurturing and Understanding Your Newborn

The 4th trimester refers to the first three months of a newborn's life outside the womb. It is a time of immense transition, as your little one adjusts to the outside world and their new surroundings.

Fourth Trimester

Welcome to Sensory Land's blog, where we explore all things related to early childhood development. Today, we delve into a particularly intriguing and precious period called the "4th trimester." So, sit back, relax, and let's navigate this fascinating topic together!

Defining the 4th Trimester

The 4th trimester refers to the first three months of a newborn's life outside the womb. It is a time of immense transition, as your little one adjusts to the outside world and their new surroundings. Just as a pregnant woman's body undergoes significant changes during the first three trimesters, the 4th trimester symbolizes the continuation of this development.

Key Characteristics of the 4th Trimester

Developing Senses

During the 4th trimester, babies' senses are rapidly evolving. While in the womb, their primary senses were sound, touch, and movement. However, now exposed to a broader scope of sensory information, they begin to explore and adapt to new sensations. They discover the world through their delicate sense of smell, taste, vision, and enhanced hearing.

Need for Consistency

Newborns thrive on consistency and predictability, as it helps to soothe and comfort them. Replicating a womb-like environment aids in their transition. The 4th trimester involves creating a nurturing and secure space for your baby. This can be achieved by providing a regular routine, practicing gentle touch, and ensuring a calm and quiet atmosphere during sleep and play.

Building Trust

Establishing trust forms the foundation of a secure attachment between parent and child. During the 4th trimester, your baby relies on you to meet their immediate needs, providing them with nourishment, warmth, and affection. Responding promptly to their cues and signals fosters a sense of trust and security, which helps them develop emotional resilience and self-regulatory skills.

Physical Development

The 4th trimester holds significant milestones for your baby's physical development. Infants begin to gain control over their reflexes, strengthen their muscles, and gradually achieve greater mobility. Tummy time, where the baby lies on their stomach to explore and develop their neck, back and arm muscles, is crucial during this period.

Sleep Challenges

Sleep patterns during the 4th trimester can be unpredictable. Babies often sleep in short, irregular bursts and frequently wake for feeding. This is entirely normal as their tiny tummies require frequent nourishment. Understanding and adapting to their sleep needs, creating a peaceful sleep environment, and establishing soothing bedtime routines such as practising Baby Massage can greatly assist in promoting healthy sleep habits.

Nurturing Your Baby during the 4th Trimester

Here are a few tips to help you navigate and embrace this incredible period of your baby's life:
1. Skin-to-skin contact: Frequent skin-to-skin cuddling helps regulate your baby's body temperature, heart rate, and promotes the release of the bonding hormone, oxytocin.
2. Babywearing: Carrying your baby in a comfortable sling or carrier fosters a sense of security, allowing them to stay close while you go about your day. It also helps mimic the warmth and movement they experienced in the womb.
3. Gentle stimulation: Engage your baby's senses with soothing sounds, gentle touch, and age-appropriate visual stimuli. Soft music, swaying, and black-and-white patterns can be particularly captivating for newborns.
4. Consistent routines: Establishing regular feeding, sleeping, and play routines helps create a sense of predictability, making your baby feel safe and secure.
5. Seek support: Reach out to your support system, whether it be family, friends, or healthcare professionals. Sharing your experiences and seeking advice can provide the reassurance and encouragement every new parent needs.

6. Practise The First Forty Days: Staying home & limiting visitors in this early stage is a wonderful way for you & your baby to really get to know each other better. You’ll learn their cues for sleep, feeds, discomfort & more in this time.

Embracing the 4th Trimester Journey

The 4th trimester is a unique and transformative period for both parents and newborns. By understanding the key characteristics and providing a nurturing environment, you can help your baby adapt and thrive. Cherish every moment, as this time is fleeting, and soon you'll find yourself witnessing your little one blossoming into a beautiful and curious individual.
Remember, each baby is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Trust your instincts, enjoy the journey, and savor the magic of the 4th trimester!

Disclaimer: Sensory Land provides general information. Consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice.

Activities to try in the fourth trimester

Baby Massage and Baby Yoga are practises that have been used for thousands of years to support with bonding, sleep, tummy troubles, teething, setting routines & so much more. Check out our home learning options & begin as soon as your baby is 6 weeks old.

Read how the fourth trimester effects you

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Family life Casey Downie-Campbell Family life Casey Downie-Campbell

Quarantine Mental Health tips

During lockdown many of us have had to adapt the ways in which we work. There are pro’s and con’s to this. What is important, is to protect our mental health during these times. Read what mental health expert Sarah says about this.

Photograph of a notepad on a table with the writing ‘working from home’

Tips to look after your mental health whilst working from home during quarantine

For those working from home during the lockdown, we are faced with more challenges and distractions than ever before. Expert Sarah, from Balanced State, shares with us some tips to look after your mental health.

Many of us will be adapting to working from home, working together with colleagues but at a distance. This can be difficult to get our heads around. To help with the transition there are some simple steps to follow including treating your working day from home like any other, as best you can.


Try to keep to your usual routine where at all possible. Get up in good time to start work as you would usually. Have the time for a shower, to get dressed, have breakfast. Try to keep your ‘work routine’ as close to normal as possible. Make your workspace just for work. Clear your desk of ‘home’ distractions and clutter. It is helpful to have a clear distinction between your ‘work’ space and your ‘home’ space so your brain can recognise when you are ‘at work’ and when you are ‘at home’.

Don’t forget to take breaks during the day. Have a lunch break where you can eat a healthy meal. A change of scenery is essential if you’re having to live and work within the confines of the same four walls. If possible, get some fresh air, either in the garden or open a window. Vitamin D is vital to our health and is strongly connected to our moods. Those who spend more time indoors are more prone to being diagnosed with depression. Being outside boosts our oxygen levels. Oxygen in our lungs keeps our bodies moving and powers the brain through our blood.

Remember, being outside = increased oxygen = increased brainpower!

If you live in a shared house, it is important you discuss your boundaries with your housemates so that you all know when it’s time to work and when it’s time to play and have fun.

When we are physically stuck this can translate to our brains too. Mix things up by going on a different route for your daily exercise or change the online exercise class you do. Play different music or change the radio station you’re listening to. You might discover something different that you rather like.

If you have young children at home you can explain that you need to work too so will need some time and space to do this so you may not be available to them all the time. This is a new experience for them to have you around all day every day so they may be confused and need their own boundaries. Remember, boundaries are healthy and a good thing.

Group of people working from home

Managing a team

If you manage a team you’ve some new responsibilities and likely must implement new ways of working for yourself and others. Try and keep in regular contact with your team, whether by Zoom or phone calls. It is important for you all to try and keep socially interacting. Maybe even a 20-minute virtual coffee break for you all to meet and chat. If you’ve not heard from a team member for a while, contact them to check-in and see how they are - do they need anything from you, even if it is just a chat or a vent about the situation.

You may have a reduced team if they are unwell or unable to work for whatever reason. Speak to your colleagues who are working and make sure they are managing their workload ok, especially if it has increased to cover the work of absent colleagues.

Encourage your team to keep you posted as to how the new working is going - do any changes need to be made? Take their feedback seriously as changes to the norm can be very stressful for people and you want them to be working safely and healthily. If things aren’t going well then explain how you will work with them to effect change if it is possible. If it isn’t, then be clear as to why you can’t do exactly what they want but will work with them to try and find a compromise.


There are some perks to working from home, it isn’t all bad. You may be able to get up a little later as you’re no longer having to commute. You may have more time for a lie-in and to catch up on some needed sleep.

Being at home you have access to a kitchen and a wider range of foods and drinks. Make the ost of this and make yourself healthier meals that you can take the time to enjoy, rather than grabbing a sandwich and a packet of crisps at your desk. A home-cooked meal is a lovely change and can be a well-deserved reward for a morning’s hard work.

You may have pets or children at home which we miss or feel guilty about leaving as we head out to work. During this temporary time in our lives, you have the opportunity to enjoy having the cat on your lap, giving your dog a cuddle or having your children wander in and out with provisions to keep you going! You may not think it right now but you’ll miss them when you’re back at work!

About Sarah:

Having experienced her own struggles in life, Sarah retrained and is a qualified integrative counsellor (MNCS) Acc based in South West London. She works with her clients face to face, via Zoom and/or over the telephone, to achieve their professional or personal goals in a collaborative, confidential, safe and empathetic space. Sarah creates a space where clients talk freely as she actively listens to what is concerning you in life. As an integrative counsellor, she draws on a variety of methods to bring awareness and understanding to your thoughts, feelings and emotions, working towards acceptance and a healthier sense of wellbeing.

Issues clients bring include but are not exclusive to, stress and anxiety, depression, grief and loss, relationship issues, goal achievement, anger, self-defeating behaviours, physical, domestic, psychological abuse and guilt and shame. Sessions can be a one-ff, short or long term. Whatever it takes to get you to the point you wish to be.

If you feel you may benefit from having an objective, non-judgemental ear to get clarify and make real-life progress, then please contact Sarah for further information here.

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Wellness, Baby Massage, Family life Casey Downie-Campbell Wellness, Baby Massage, Family life Casey Downie-Campbell

The fourth trimester - Nurturing and Supporting yourself through the first few months of Motherhood.

The fourth trimester, what is it and how can you support yourself through this time.

Mum cuddling baby

Now, we have all heard of the first, second and third trimesters during pregnancy, each trimester represents a different stage or phase of pregnancy. Throughout these (approximately) nine months, your body and mind go through a huge change as your baby grows and develops. The fourth trimester is an extension of the three trimesters and is a term used for the first few months of a baby’s life, and perhaps more importantly, the first few months of your motherhood journey with your baby. just as your baby is growing, developing, learning, changing and adapting to his/ her new life outside the womb, you too are growing, developing, learning, changing and adapting to new life as a mum. Your body and mind are once again going through a huge change and during this critical time it’s important to listen to your body and give yourself the rest it needs and truly deserves.


As mothers, we naturally want to ‘do’. We have a continuous list as long as our arms, we have daily chores, and we have a house to run and a family to look after. But during this fourth trimester, it is vital for our own mental health and wellbeing (and the health and well-being of our family) that we take care of ourselves and just ‘be’. Here are my six top tips to supporting yourself during the fourth trimester:


Whether you’ve had a natural birth or c section, a traumatic birth or an elated birth, your body is most likely exhausted, sore and uncomfortable. Letting your body rest and recharge is helping you to heal those scars and wounds, physically and mentally.

Pelvic floor

During pregnancy, your internal body endures a lot of weight. The muscles of your pelvic floor need exercising to ensure good health following childbirth. Booking an appointment with a women’s health physio is advised, but during the early days, at home exercises are a great way to looking after your needs.


Healthy nutrition helps to fuel us with energy and releases those feel good hormones. Nutrition is a simple way to support you during those sleepless nights and demanding days. Of course, it’s also important not to deprive yourself of your body’s cravings, so treating yourself every now and then with your favourite snack will also give you a little ‘pick me up’.


Staying hydrated is important to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Water is good for our skin, our gut and our overall health. If you are a breastfeeding mother, you will find your body craves water. Having a glass of water close by to you during those feeds will help to keep you hydrated and looked after.

Ask for support

Please don’t be too shy or embarrassed to ask for support. Support could be from a family member, a friend or even a neighbour. And it could be as simple as asking someone to hold your baby whilst you take a shower, by asking for external support, you are supporting yourself.

Baby massage

The baby massage classes I offer can be started within the fourth trimester time frame from as early as 4 weeks old. Massage helps you and your baby to connect and bond in a nurturing and supportive environment with like-minded mums and it gives you the tools to support you and your baby through the early stages of his or her development. You can learn with me online or in person.

It is so important to support yourself during those early days of motherhood. Don’t forget to physically look after yourself, stay hydrated and well nourished, ask for help when you need it and start baby massage when you can with your baby. By supporting yourself, you are supporting your baby and your whole family.

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