Wellness, Sound Healing, Energy Work Casey Downie-Campbell Wellness, Sound Healing, Energy Work Casey Downie-Campbell

What is Sound Healing? A Deeper connection and the science behind sound healing.

Learn what Sound Healing is exactly, the science behind how it works and start experiencing the benefits for yourself.

Casey playing crystal singing bowls during a sound healing

a Deeper connection and the science behind sound healing.

Sound healing is an ancient healing modality that has its origins all around the globe including in Egypt, India & China. It is a well-being practice that goes by many names including but not limited to sound medicine, sound meditation, sound journeys, sound baths, sound bath meditation and sound therapy.

“Everything in Life is Vibration” – Albert Einstein

How does sound healing work?

There are 3 ways Sound Healing can effect us:


Although there are many different types of sound healing, fundamentally, it works using specially tuned instruments such as gongs, crystal singing bowls and tuning forks. They are played by a trained Sound Healer and those instruments vibrate at different frequencies (the rate per second of a vibration constituting a wave) which match frequencies in the body. 

According to quantum physics, everything is energy and energy is vibration, therefore, each cell in the human body has a unique vibration & frequency. From time to time things can affect these frequencies such as poor diet, lack of sleep, stress & illness and the body becomes out of harmony. When that happens it can manifest as dis-ease and we can get sick or feel stuck in life.

Vibration in quantum physics means that everything is energy. We are beings that vibrate at certain frequencies. ~Medium.com

The image below shows brain activity in waves depending on the state we are in. There is more movement when we are awake, thinking and busy than when we are resting or during meditation. Sound Healing helps the brain move into the less active states Alpha and Theta without great effort from the participant.


Through a rhythmic phenomenon called entrainment wherein, a temporary synchronisation occurs between two systems in motion. The instruments which are tuned to different body parts, chakras and emotions are played & remind 100% of the cells in the body of their correct frequency. In time the cells respond by moving back into their correct vibrational speed.


Another way in which sound healing works is through cymatics. If you imagine a large speaker playing music, if the music is loud enough you can see the speakers moving as the music plays. Imagine you put something on top of the speaker for example some tissue paper, as the music plays the tissue will move and jump about in the air. As the music plays and the speaker vibrates the air in front of the speaker moves. This is happening inside your body on a sonic level. When you attend a Sound Healing session the vibrations from the instruments travel through the air to your body where it is received by your body via the receptors on your skin.

Hanging gong upside-down with water on its surface. As the front of the gong is stroked with the mallet the water creates beautiful ripples, waves and patterns. This is an example of cymatics and how sound vibrations effect our body.

What instruments are in a sound healing session

Depending on the practitioner you’ll likely see a variety of instruments from deep, powerful, earthly gongs and Tibetan bowls to more ethereal-sounding crystal singing bowls and chimes. Your practitioner will take you on a sound journey with energetic highs and lows to help shift a variety of energies. Usually sound healing isn’t rhythmic and instruments are intuitively played.

Use the power of crystal singing bowls to help you set your intentions for the day

Gong being played at a sound healing

Who is sound healing for?

Everyone of any age, gender, race, religion or class. 

You don’t have to feel you have an ‘issue’ such as anxiety, insomnia or stress to attend, although sound healing will certainly help with these too. It can be used as a self-care practice, something to energise you and as an enjoyable experience. 

In this modern world, we are constantly having to filter out stressful sounds including sirens, transport, alarms etc and as our time on digital devices increases and our time outside in nature decreases Sound healing is a nice peaceful break away from busy day-to-day life and an opportunity to unwind and relax. 

There are some contraindications for sound healing such as when you're in the first and third trimester of pregnancy. It is best to speak with the sound therapist practitioner before you book your first session if you are concerned.

What do I have to do?

Nothing! Most people prefer to lie down somewhere comfortable so that they can let go of physical tension. However, you can also sit up in a supported position. It is very safe and non-invasive. The receiver needs to do nothing more than approach with an open mind. Many people fall asleep during the session.

What can I expect from a sound healing session?

Everyone's experience will be different, however, there are often common things people experience including feeling really relaxed and well rested, feeling as though time slows down or goes very quickly, some people have visions and great ideas, others see beautiful sacred geometric shapes or colours. Whatever your experience during the session - it is likely to change every time as no 2 sound healing sessions are ever the same - you can rest assured that if you drift off to sleep or your mind wanders elsewhere the magic and science of sound healing will still work. You don’t have to listen or work hard to pay attention as the vibrations travel through your body using cymatics rather than just through your ears.

After a sound healing

I advise attendees to go slow after class. Take a few minutes to ground yourself - that could be with a cup of tea, taking some gentle stretches or walking around barefoot. Depending on the time of day and intention of the healing e.g. for more rest or for more creativity you may feel revitalised ready to go about your day or you may feel ready for bed. The vibrations will still be working for 24 to 48 hours after the session. 

Unleash the Healing Power of Sound: Download Our Online Sound Healings Today!

You can access peaceful and transformative experiences anytime and anywhere. Gone are the days of attending physical sessions or waiting for an appointment. Simply download our sessions, and embark on your healing journey at your own pace.

Download Our Sound Healings and Liberate Your Soul

How can I book a face to face sound healing?

You can either attend a public class (link below), book a 1-2-1 , private group or corporate/work event.


Below is a Spotify playlist of some of our favourite sound healing songs for you to enjoy.

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