Baby Massage Casey Downie-Campbell Baby Massage Casey Downie-Campbell

How to tell if your baby is tired

Knowing when your baby is getting tired is a learned skill. Learning early on can reduce overtiredness and overstimulation.


Learn how to identify when your baby is tired before they become overtired

We’ve all been there, your baby starts to grizzle:

‘Whatever could be wrong sweetie?’

In an attempt to help you show her some of her favourite toys and commence making funny animal sounds.

Her grizzle changes into a cry

‘Oh dear, that didn’t work’

You pick her up and give her a cuddle, gently shhh’ing her comfortingly

But she continues to grizzle and cry

‘Maybe she’s hungry? When did she last feed?’

You offer her some milk but that just makes her more cross.

If only she could tell you what was wrong.

But she can! And she does, often! Your baby gives you cues throughout there day, subtle looks, actions and sounds that if you learn them you’ll be able to reduce fussing and increase happiness.

Sounds amazing right?

Each baby will have their own sleepy cues. Once you learn these you’ll be able to preempt when your baby is getting tired, is tired and avoid the overtired tears. Responding and putting baby down for their sleep whilst they are awake and tired is perfect. Usually baby shows between 3 - 5 signs before getting overtired.

Read on to avoid overtiredness, baby being wired, unsettled, overstimulated, fractious & grumpy. This list doesn’t include ALL sleepy cues, they differ from child to child and you will need to learn the ones specific to your baby.

Sleep cues

  • Yawning

  • Eyelids fluttering

  • Heavy eyelids

  • Staring unfocused

  • Less vocal

  • Closing fists

  • Rubbing eyes/face

  • Pulling at ears

  • Sucking fingers/thumb

  • Making jerky movements

  • Frowning or looking worried

  • Clingy

  • Grizzling or crying

  • Wanting attention

  • Fussing when stimulation offered

  • If feeding – sucking is slower

You are the expert & know your baby best. Being able to identify your baby's unique sleepy cues will become your superpower.

Did this blog help you? Comment below your baby’s sleepy cues.

If you would like to learn more about how massage can help you and your baby to sleep better check out Sweet Sleepy Baby our short Baby Massage for sleep course.

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