Maternal Mental Health Week

Post natal depression, anxiety, psychosis after having a baby. Maternal Mental Health Week. Young woman sitting on a sofa, looking away, holding onto her bent knees, feeling sad.

Maternal Mental Health Week & Postnatal Depression

Advice for families living with PND

Mental health is as important to take care of as our physical health. Maternal Mental Health week draws attention to all of the ways parents may be feeling during & after pregnancy including anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, psychosis, eating disorders & depression.

You may have heard of Post Natal Depression. This is more than the ‘baby blues’. It as well as the aforementioned conditions are something that no mother or family should suffer through alone. There is a lot of help available.

Below are some suggestions.

If you are living with any of these conditions just know that you are not alone. There is nothing wrong with you. You are not broken or doing anything wrong. You are stronger than you think and you can get through this.

Self Care

When you are busy caring for a newborn baby and recovering from this massive transition in life & your body it is important to make time for yourself each and every day.

  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Start your day with a large glass of water.

  • Practise big belly breathing. Focus on your breath for a moment. Deepen the in-breath and slow the out-breath. Breathwork is a brilliant way to calm your nervous system, relax and energise your body.

  • Movement - move your body daily, that could be through exercise, stretching, walking or dancing. This will help to release feel-good endorphins in your body. Moving your body is a great way to get out of your head and be present.

  • Get out of your house daily to get fresh air. There is real therapy in nature. If you can, go to a park or woodlands, somewhere near trees.

  • Spend less time on technology, especially social media or forums with other parents where you may compare yourself to others.

  • Think of something every day that makes you feel good, it can be a memory, something you are looking forward to or something you are grateful for that has happened in your day.

  • Practising mantras and positive affirmations [examples below]

  • Journalling, this can be a really great way to get things off your chest.

  • Eat the rainbow - try and consume a varied diet without processed foods, caffeine or refined sugars. Look after your gut. Your gut creates 90% of your body’s serotonin, a happy hormone.

  • Get as much sleep as possible.

  • Sing out loud & proud. Singing is brilliant for depression & there are many choirs for parents. You don’t need to sound like Charlotte Church to sing publically.

  • Surround yourself with good music to raise your vibrations.

  • Do more of what you love, that lights you up and makes you feel like you.

  • Create vision boards and be realistic about what you can achieve each day.

  • Try meditation & mindfulness.

  • If you are woo woo perhaps try keeping some crystals with you.

Things you can do with your baby

  • Skin to skin time which you can get through hugs and baby massage are brilliant for increasing Oxytocin & Serotonin for both you and baby. It also helps with the bonding process.

  • Carry your baby in your arms, a sling or carrier - this helps with changes in your hormones by lowering cortisol [the stress hormone] and increases oxytocin [the feel-good love hormone]. Having an understanding your biology can help you, see The Sling Consultancy for more information. Baby carrying also reduces crying in your baby which in turn can reduce anxiety & stress levels.

You are not alone

According to Tommys more than 1 in 10 mothers get Post Natal Depression. This can also affect fathers, adoptive parents & those that have previously miscarried or suffered baby loss.

Reach out to friends & family for help or services like the Samaritans.

There may be local support groups for you to join.

Talk about how you are feeling and be sure to take time out for yourself.

Our message to you

  • Don’t be ashamed. This isn’t anyone’s fault.

  • Do what you can, don’t put too much pressure on yourself [especially during lockdown]. Try not to compare yourself to others or worry about expectations.

  • You don’t need to have everything under control to be a ‘good’ mum.

  • Don’t be so hard on yourself, everyone is winging it, some are just good at appearing like they have their sh!t together.

  • No baby comes with an instruction manual so do not feel as though you are a failure.

  • Tomorrow is a new day.

  • This too shall pass.

Positive affirmations & mantras to try

  • I am enough

  • I love myself & my baby

  • I am an amazing mum, even as I work hard to be a better one

  • Not loving every moment of being a parent does not mean you don’t love being a mother.

  • I am all that my little angel needs

  • No one can be a better mother for my children than I can

  • Trust your instincts you are the best mum your baby can have.

The advice and suggestions in this blog are from a collective of mothers, health care professionals and Baby Massage & Yoga specialists in the Blossom & Berry network.

Have you lived through any of these mental health conditions?

What helped you through it? Share your top tips with us and help another family <3

Casey Downie-Campbell

Sensory Land is a mobile wellness company based in South London.

We provide a variety of services that include: Sound Healing, Meditation, Yoga Nidra, Baby Massage, Baby Yoga, Story time, Nature Classes, birthday parties, weddings and events to support and nurture through the senses.

Est 2017 - South London

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